Need to Decline An Internship Offer? Better Follow These Rules!

Good morning everyone. Today I want to briefly chat with you about disappearing from your internship or internship coordinator. I can't stress the importance of communication when you get into a sticky situation. This is the beginning of your professional career. You can't afford to burn bridges at this stage. Today, people are changing jobs every 3 years (on average). You MUST have the everyone knows everyone mentality. This is your chance, don't mess it up :)

1. If an employer emails you to set up an interview for an internship but you've decided that you no longer want the internship, you MUST write them back. Be polite. Tell them that you're no longer available for the opportunity, apologize, and thank them for their time. Tell them you'd love to stay in touch and actually stay in touch.

2. If you've already accepted an internship but then get another offer for an internship you'd rather take, call the original employer on the phone. Would you break up with your boyfriend over email? Of course not! The tone can be misconstrued. Call the employer, apologize, let them know you are taking on another opportunity and no longer available, and acknowledge the time they spent working with you and interviewing you, and make sure to thank them. Again, say that you'll stay in touch and then actually stay in touch.

3. If you've accepted an internship and no longer have the time for it (because of school, work, or something else) make sure to notify the internship coordinator ASAP. In this case, as well, phone works best. The best idea is to get back to the employer and not leave them hanging. Once they have to chase after you, you've burned a bridge. Be careful.


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