Why You Should Put Campus Experience On Your Resume

As a college student, you constantly hear about people landing their dream internship, but what if you don’t have experience and only campus experience? Then what? You’re in luck! There are many ways of turning those campus involvements into highlights on your resume to get that internship! 

Here are a few tips to best use your campus experience on your resume:

  1. Put your campus experiences and involvement above your work experience. 

No internship experience, no problem! Having campus involvement at the top will have a bigger impact than a retail or food service job when an employer looks at your resume. Showing the employer the different tasks you have managed on campus that are relevant to the position will show the employer the experience that you have. 

  1. Don’t overload your resume with experiences that don’t fit the job. 

Lots of experience - awesome - but narrow it down to fit the position you are applying for! And don't forget to describe the experience. Nine times out of ten the employer doesn’t know what that position does so don’t undersell yourself, showcase all the amazing ways you're involved! Highlight the experiences that are relevant to the position you are applying for to show the employer you have the experience for the internship. 

  1. Use your experiences during your interview to answer questions. 

During the interview process, the employer will most likely ask situational questions. Using your campus involvement experiences will help answer those questions in the most genuine way possible. An example of a situational questions that could be asked is: Can you describe a time when you faced a challenge and had to work with the people around you to overcome that challenge?

Good luck! 

Watch our YouTube video on putting campus experience on your resume here: http://bit.ly/campusexperienceresume



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